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Farmers Insurance Colossus Class Action Lawsuit Settlement

"Did Farmers Insurance Company and its subsidiaries systematically under-value first party claims by the use of a computer program named "Colossus®?"  Helen Sikes alleges exactly that.  Sikes alleges that Farmers Insurance Company used the Colossus® computer program in evaluating her personal injury claim, resulting in significant underpayment of her claim for general damages.  Whether or not Farmers is guilty of the allegations, it was just announced that the parties have proposed a settlement.."  The suit alleges "Farmers systematically and uniformly pays insured persons less for bodily injury claims than they would be legally entitled"..."As a result Farmers’ deceptive actions through the use of Colossus, Plaintiffs and the Class were damaged because they received payments from Farmers that were less than they were legally entitled to recover."
In order to be included in the settlement, a Proof of Claim Form must be filed with the claims administrator and be postmarked no later than July 22, 2005  See the Farmers Colossus Litigation Class Action Settlement web site.  See Farmers Settlement.  
The Third Amended Petition alleges the following:
1. Farmers purchased Colossus as a "cost containment" tool that would enhance Farmer’s profits at the expense of first party insured persons.  When Farmers purchased Colossus, they knew they would be able to "tune" the software program to achieve their goal of decreasing payments to insured persons. Farmers achieved its goal by unilaterally and arbitrarily reducing by a stated percentage the amount it would pay all uninsured and underinsured bodily injury claims. (Paragraph 29)
2. Farmers agreed with Computer Sciences Corporation to keep as secret the exact manner in which Colossus generates its evaluations.( Paragraph 30)
3. In breach of its policy contracts and obligations to act in good faith and fair dealing with its insured persons, Farmers refused, without proper cause to pay its insured persons all sums which they were legally entitled to recover.... (Paragraph 45)
There is much more, read through the documents yourself.  Do you really want to be insured by a company that has all these allegations against it and then settles?!  Do you think they are settling because they are guilty or innocent?  Anyone would have to be stupid to insure anything with Farmers Insurance!

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Farmers Insurance Lawsuit Settlement Agreement
5.3 mb
red ball Farmers Insurance Lawsuit Notice to Class Members of Proposed Class Action Settlement 55 kb
red ball Farmers Insurance Lawsuit Claim Form 41 kb
red ball Farmers Insurance Lawsuit Proof of Claim 129 kb
red ball Farmers Insurance Lawsuit Order of Preliminary Approval, Notice, and Temporary Injunction 5.5 mb
red ball Farmers Insurance Lawsuit Amended Preliminary Approval Order 227 kb
red ball Farmers Insurance Lawsuit Second Amended Preliminary Approval Order 2.1 mb
red ball Farmers Insurance Lawsuit Third Amended Petition 741 kb


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