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Joke about Farmers Insurance and Paul Hopkins :-)

(Note: John Blackburn is the CEO of Country Insurance and Financial Services and Paul Hopkins is the CEO of Farmers Insurance Group)

Three Farmers Insurance Executives and three Country Insurance Executives were traveling to an Insurance Conference by train.

The three Farmers Insurance Executives each buy tickets and watch as the three Country Insurance Executives buy only a single ticket. How are the three people going to travel on only one ticket?", asks Farmers CEO Paul Hopkins.

Watch and you'll see," says Country CEO John Blackburn. They all board the train. The Farmers Insurance Executives take their respective seats but all three Country Insurance Executives cram into a bathroom and close the door behind them.

Shortly after the train has departed, the conductor comes around collecting tickets. He knocks on the bathroom door and says, "Ticket please!" The door opens a crack, a single arm emerges with a ticket in hand. The conductor takes it and moves on. The Farmers Insurance Executives see this and agree it was quite a clever idea.

So after the conference they decide to copy the Country Insurance Executives on the return trip and save some money. When they get to the station, they buy a single ticket for the return trip. To their astonishment the Country Companies Executives don't buy a ticket at all.

How are you going to travel without a ticket?" asks Farmers CEO Paul Hopkins.

"Watch and you'll see," replies Country CEO Blackburn.

When they board the train the three Farmers Insurance Executives cram into a bathroom and the three Country Insurance Executives cram into another bathroom nearby.

Once the train leaves the station, Country CEO John Blackburn leaves and walks over to the other bathroom where the Farmers Insurance Executives are hiding, knocks on the door and says, "Ticket please!"


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